Calling All Teachers: Engage Your Students in Speech Up!

By Merritt Frey, Executive Director

We know it is a hard and strange year for teachers everywhere. Here in the U.S., I know so many teachers who are working double-time — developing online engagement strategies, duplicating lessons for both in-classroom and online, and/or facing worries about COVID-19 infection in their classrooms. We see you teachers!

All of this may make this a good year for teachers to consider incorporating our Speech Up! video contest into your curriculum. To help you with that we have a page with Tools for Teachers, including pre-developed lesson plans and online-friendly tools and strategies. We also have a page with Tools for Students, with great links to get your students started with their research and thinking.

What is the Speech Up! video contest? The contest is open to all students in grades 9-12 in public, private, and home schools within the United States. Students create a video speech addressing this year’s theme (see below) in 4 minutes or less.

Theme: The UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 4.1 states: “By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes.” What are the three most critical changes to the status quo you would propose to help achieve that goal in low-income countries like Mali?

This video contest and it’s associated lesson plans would be great for English classes (think about it: a speech is first an essay!), government, civics, and even history classes. And if your school has a speech and debate club, this is a great way to allow students to do an online version of a speech.

And to motivate the kids? There is a $1,000 cash award for first place! Learn more about the Speech Up! video contest.