Bringing Education & Hope to Sebela's Kids

By Merritt Frey, Executive Director

Thanks to our generous supporters, construction is underway on a new school for the kids of the tiny village of Sebela.

This is Mali Rising's 21st school, and we're especially excited about the passion for education we see in Sebela. The parents and village leaders raised 50% of the cost of their new school -- far more than the 20% we usually require of the village. And when we met with the village back in December, it was more than clear that the parents saw how education would change their children's lives for the better, forever.

Because of your donations, our Field Director Alou is hard at work on the new school with our construction crew.  Neither rain nor mud is stopping them! Check out the photo gallery below for a peek at the construction process.

We still need just $1,451 to finish funding Sebela's school -- be one of the heroes that pushes this effort over the top! (And you could even win a chance to name the school.)