Konimba: Working Hard Even During A Pandemic

By Adama Kone, Teacher Project Coordinator

During this uncertain pandemic time, Mali Rising is working in five of our partner villages to test take home workbook as a tool for keeping students learning when schools are closed due to the pandemic. One of the villages where we have done this work is Sebela. We recently visited with the high scoring workbook student of Sebela, Konimba, and her father.

Madou Samaké is the father of Konimba, a student at Tim Gibson Middle School in Sebela. He is determined to help his children succeed. He told us he feels so blessed that their school has benefited from our workbook project during the pandemic closure. During the last workbook cycle, Madou was particularly proud of Konimba, who was the top student with a 12.5 score! Thanks to Konimba’s hard work, she received the top student’s prize — big bags of rice and sugar — which made her parents very happy.

Konimba and her father.JPG

Madou Samaké is a gardener, and he uses the money he makes to fund education for his children. His children and his wife also help him grow vegetables in order to support their education. Madou Samaké often provides pieces of advice to his children to inspire them. He said his family would celebrate the reception of the prize. The rice and the sugar they got will help his family with food and allow them to have good coffee and tea with sugar. He is proud to call Konimba a very courageous girl who was able to work hard and triumph over the other students. Konimba understands that she can only succeed through hard work.

Konimba is 15 years old and in 7th grade. She likes to study her old notebooks at nights so she does not forget all her lessons while school is closed. She is sure she will be in 8th grade when school is open again (school in Mali is opening January 25!).

Konimba dreams of becoming a doctor so she can be helpful to many people especially those from her village. She also said she would build a beautiful house for her parents when she starts making good money. She likes both her parents because they take good care of her and they want her to become a great person in the future. She believes in her Dad’s advice and that is why she keeps up with her work in school. For hobbies, she watches funny movies and enjoys cooking delicious meals like spaghetti and chickens. Konimba says that her village is tremendously blessed with Mali Rising Foundation partnership before adding that she is forever grateful to Mali Rising for building Tim Gibson Middle School.