Essay Contest Deadline Looms!

By Merritt Frey, Executive Director

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The clock is ticking high school students! Essay submission for our annual Make the Case for Caring Essay Contest are due in exactly one month on March 31 (at midnight eastern time).

The contest asks students to build a creative, persuasive argument for engagement in a country like Mali -- far from students' homes and daily concerns. National winners of this essay contest receive cash awards and recognition. 

Make the Case for Caring Essay Contest theme 2019: In 1948, the UN General Assembly included education as a basic human right in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Do you think education is a human right? Why or why not? What does your position mean for education in a country like Mali?

All students enrolled in grades 9-12 in U.S. public, private, and home schools within the United States are eligible. The essay must be 300-500 words.

Learn more about the contest and get writing!