
Alumni Network Educates Students on Malaria

Many of our schools are now old enough that they have graduated hundreds, or even thousands, of students. So, recently we began organizing school Alumni Networks with a goal of helping the graduates help their schools grow and thrive. We have found that the alumni are more than eager to help! This month, we helped one Alumni Network address a big problem — malaria.

Healthy Kids Are Good Students

In order to succeed in school, you need to be in the classroom. And in order to be in the classroom, you need to be healthy. That’s where Mali Rising’s regular handwashing trainings come in — helping students stay healthy and in school learning. Read about one of our recent trainings and how poop jokes play in to it…

Judge Memorial Middle School’s Health Club Rocks

Sata Culbaly is an 8th-grade student at Judge Memorial Middle School of Sankama. She is a smiling and a very driven girl. Sata is 14 years old and likes school very much because she gets to see her friends in school every day. Sata enjoys being in the school’s Mali Rising Health Club and teaching her classmates the best ways to wash their hands with soap. Sata says that the Health Club in Sankama is a great thing because it inspires students to adopt great habits when it comes to washing hands and greeting without handshakes…

Keeping Girls Both Safe From Covid & Learning

This year I can't wait to resume our twice monthly meetings with the girls in our Girls Project villages! These meetings will be a little different because of COVID-19, but in some ways I think they may be even better. For more health protection, we will hold these meetings under the trees in the school yards, rather than in the classrooms…

Be Part of Keeping Kids Healthy & Learning

A few weeks back, we launched our Back-to-School Safe Campaign for our kids in Mali. With your help, we will raise $3,000 to provide the tools and training our kids and teachers need to stay safe in Mali, where online learning just is not an option. We are 20% of the way to our goal but there’s still a long way to go! We are grateful to everyone who has donated so far, and hope more of you will be able to get involved. We know times are tough for many of us, but for those who can give you can really make a difference for some great kids with as little as $25.

Be Part of Our Back-to-School Safe Campaign

As a new school year looms in the COVID-19 era, we are all worried about sending our kids back to school. This just isn’t the normal back-to-school feeling, is it? As you may imagine, we’re worried about sending our kids in Mali back to school too. I know you have a lot on your mind these days, but if you are able to spare a thought for Mali’s kids too, would you consider donating to our Back-to-School Safe Campaign?

Impact of Coronavirus on Living Conditions in Our Partner Villages

Just like everyone around the world, we have been working hard to understand the impact of COVID-19 on our lives and our work. All of the Mali staff or Mali Rising have been gathering information weekly from our 23 partner villages. We also recently reviewed the results of a national survey carried out in June 2020 by the Malian government in collaboration with the World Bank. I wanted to share what we understand from the national survey and discuss how that information may affect our future work.

One Teacher’s Take On Preventing COVID-19 In Kassela

The little village Kassela is home to Lareen Mellor Middle School, a Mali Rising school. Adama Samaké is a French teacher at the school, and he has a lot of experience at his job. I interviewed Mr. Samaké to better understand how his village has been preventing the COVID-19 virus.

Get to know Adama, Teacher Project Coordinator

Our staff in Mali do all the hard and interesting work that our supporters make possible. They work hard — traveling rough roads, dealing with the heat, and breathing in the dust of Mali’s countryside. But they do it with grace and with a sense of purpose that comes from knowing they are helping kids just like themselves have a chance at an education. We want you to get to know these great people a bit better, so we took a recent chance to interview Adama Kone, our Teacher Project Coordinator. Please enjoy this video blog to learn more about his work with our teachers, what he's doing to fight COVID-19, and how popular Frisbee is in Mali (hint: not very).